SHARE YOUR STORY for Public Schools Week!

Public Schools Week is a week-long celebration of our public schools, and we have specific actions lined up to make it easy for you to plug in how you can, where you can. Check out our full toolkit with templates, ideas, and more, and follow us on Facebook to spread the love and help amplify the stories we’re hearing today and all week long! 

The most powerful thing we can do during Public Schools Week is connect with others to share why we love & support our public schools.Telling your story transforms facts into feelings and moves others to join us in standing up for the conditions our kids need to thrive. Take time today to share your experiences, concerns, and hopes for Wisconsin’s children  and amplify the stories of others. Follow the tips below to maximize our impact in spreading the love and being a positive force for reminding our friends and neighbors why we do the work we do to protect and defend our public schools.


  • POST A PHOTO on your social media that tells a story for you. A landmark moment, a first or last day of school, a teacher who impacted you. Caption the photo with the reasons why this means so much to you, and urge others to join you in celebrating #PublicSchoolsWeek and sharing their own stories
  • SHARE A GRAPHIC with a positive message. Follow us on Facebook for shareables! SEND AN EMAIL to a teacher, a school leader, a friend, or a whole list of contacts sharing your story and inviting others to join
  • TELL EVERYONE YOU TALK TO! Set a goal for sharing your story with people you see in your everyday life this week! Good conversation starters: “Did you know it’s Public Schools Week?” “I’m celebrating Public Schools Week because…”
  • WEAR YOUR SPIRIT GEAR, BUTTONS, ETC ALL WEEK to open up conversations and be an everyday ambassador for a positive message 
  • WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR, a blogpost, an op-ed, whatever you are moved to do…then share widely (including with us!)

Tips for Impactful Stories

  • Keep it simple. It doesn’t have to be long. Just share a reason or two public schools mean a lot to you. “I love my public schools because seeing my kids walk out the door with smiles like this gives me hope for the future.”
  • Share details that get to the heart of meaningful moment. People remember the details! “I never threw out this third place medal because it reminds me of…”
  • Tell a real story. “I’ll never forget the time Mrs. V came into our 3rd grade class and called me out to help her with a special project…that moment changed my life.”
  • Explain your “why”. “I support thriving public schools because…”
  • Don’t overthink it!  Even if you just share a photo or a positive message, you’ve taken action to spread the love today! THANK YOU!


SHARE your posts/messages/emails/etc with us and with others so we can spread the love! We’ll be reposting anything we have permission to share, so send your stories our way! Email to us @WisconsinNetwork on Facebook, @WiscEdAction on Twitter, or (we are most active on Facebook). 

Join us in sharing the powerful stories recorded by Micah Davis and Steve Betchkal for our Public Schools Unite Us video series. These videos reconnect students with their teachers to talk in person about the impact they had on one another. The stories are so beautiful!

About the author: Wisconsin Public Education Network

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