Local level action, statewide impact.
Whether you’re part of an existing or emerging advocacy team, or an individual who cares about our students, you can be part of the growing movement to come together – where we live – to support the 860,000 children attending Wisconsin’s public schools.
Local organizing is all about building relationships so that we can connect with others who share our values and concerns, and work together for the change our kids deserve. Connecting with friends, neighbors and elected officials by sharing our stories and experiences helps us better understand what local students need and how we can provide it. It helps take the “politics” out of education advocacy by focusing on what matters most: the success, safety and happiness of our students and the educators who support them! Strong communities depend on strong public schools. We encourage local action because local action works!
Organizing resources:
- Organizing 101: How to start a local team and make a difference (Recorded Session from our 2020 Summer Summit)
- Organizing 102: Pro tips on how to keep productive, healthy local advocacy efforts going — without burning out! (Recorded Session from our 2020 Summer Summit)
Start Relational Organizing! Relational organizing is reaching out to our own circles of influence to make sure everyone is well informed and knows how and when to #VotePublic. We have an app for that! The Empower App.
One of the workshops in our #VotePublic Action Series focused on relational organizing titled “Kids can’t vote…that’s our job: GOTV strategies” This will focus on building real relationships up to and through the election that are genuine, and do not feel transactional. REGISTER NOW!

Develop your personal leadership capacity and gain insights into strategic organizing with our amazing partner, WiLD (Wisconsin Leadership Development Project).
Join their email and see upcoming workshops here.
Legislative Advocacy Tips: How to Build Relationships with Decision-Makers
For Parents: Advocating for your child and your school
For School Board Members, Administrators and Local Leaders
Speak up for Public Schools! How to Write Effective Letters to the Editor
State Level Legislative Educational Vote Tracker
WEBINAR: SocialSchool4Edu and Wisconsin Public Education Network: Go Public! Using Social Media to Celebrate and Support Our Public Schools.
Partner toolkits and advocacy resources:
- PTA Advocacy Toolkit
- Parents for Public Schools Engagement Programs and Resources
- Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) Legislative Updates
- Boards Taking Action (WASB)
- Wisconsin School Administrators Alliance (SAA): Legislative Advocacy 101
Click here to return to our #VotePublic HQ!
Click here to Get on the Bus! and find out how to get involved in local level actions.
Click here to Get the Facts! and be informed on the current state of Public School funding and policy.
Click here to go to Election HQ! where you will find everything you need to know about voting.
Click here to access all graphics from the #VotePublic Campaign. Share widely!