Here’s what you need to know to make sure every vote counts for kids in upcoming elections.
- February 20, 2024: Spring Primary
- April 2, 2024: Spring General Election & Presidential Preference Primary
- August 13, 2024: Fall Primary
- November 5, 2024: General Election
Essential Voter Resources:
- Visit to see what’s on YOUR ballot, register to vote, see absentee ballot information and more!
- Wisconsin Elections Commission: get dates, candidate forms and information, and legal updates on the official WEC website.
- How to register to vote online/request absentee ballots
Did you know you need an acceptable form of photo ID in order to vote? Click here to learn more about what are acceptable forms of ID and for help getting an acceptable ID to vote.
Nonpartisan Election Advocacy Resources:
- League of Women Voters
- Sample state-level candidate survey questions & tips
- Vote Public Local Action Toolkit
- Non-partisan Ballot Measure Advocacy: Tips for 501(c)(3) groups and others doing non-partisan issue advocacy to support public schools.
- Messaging Toolkit: Our resource for pro-public messaging that works.
- REFERENDA resources:
- Vote Yes! Referenda Tips from a Winning Campaign (SocialSchool4edu)
- Successful Referenda Start with Communication (WASB)
- 8 tips for passing referenda (American Association of School Administrators)
- K-12 On The Ballot: Using Referenda to Fund Public Schools (Forward Analytics)
- Non-partisan Ballot Measure Advocacy: Tips for 501(c)(3) groups and others doing non-partisan issue advocacy to support public schools.
- Messaging Toolkit: Our resource for pro-public messaging that works.
- Accountability in Action: Learn more about Wisconsin’s unfair school funding
Public school champions: Thinking of running for school board in the spring? Getting out the vote in your community? Check out our School Board Champion Toolkit and sign up for our informal School Board Support Network for 1:1 conversation with current and former board members, small group check-ins, and general mentorship from those who’ve been there.
Want to get to know your local candidates and educate voters about the individuals running for school board in your district? Check out our nonpartisan Election Organizing Toolkit for some candidate forum tips and this helpful resource from the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) on putting on a candidate forum as a school district.
- Run for School Board resources from Run for Something Civics
- Wisconsin Association of Schools Boards resources
- “DIVERSITY LESSONS: Recruiting for locally elected offices” by Jennifer Erickson, Melissa Kono, Victoria Solomon for Wisconsin School News, a publication of the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (article starts on page 10 of this pdf. View online version here).
- WASB School Board Election Resources (includes links to key information from the WI Elections Commission)
- Nonpartisan Election Organizing Basics & Guidelines for Candidate Forums
- Messaging Guidance:
- Wisconsin Public Education Network One-Page Messaging Toolkit
- Race Class Narrative Messaging Checklist
- Race Class Narrative Messaging Guidance for Safe & Equitable Schools
- Honesty in Education: Messaging Guidance from ASO Communications and We Make The Future
- Wisconsin Public Education Network Accountability in Action Page
- Wisconsin Public Education Network Equity in Action Page
- Wisconsin State Statutes on Election of School Board Members
- Department of Public Instruction resources on School Board Operations
- School Funding Basics with Dr. Julie Underwood: