Registration is now OPEN for the Dec. 16 “People’s Budget” public listening session on education hosted by Gov. Tony Evers and Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes. Event begins at 6:00 pm.
We strongly encourage you to attend this hearing and share your thoughts on the state budget and what local students need most to ensure their success!
- ATTEND THE HEARING: Click here to register: http://bit.ly/BudgetRSVP
- SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS: Submit a written public comment on any topic at any time here.
Then join us on Dec. 17 from 6:30-8:30 pm for our next Action Workshop to explore how we can organize locally in 2021 to ensure the passage of a budget that works for Wisconsin’s children! RSVP here!
We urge our partners to tell their story to make local needs clear, and to emphasize the need for a budget that meets priority needs first, with a focus on closing existing gaps.
Click here to see the DPI’s Budget page, and click here to see what our Network partners had to say about that proposal.
If you’d like a frame for your talking points, click here to see our #VotePublic values! Pick the value that most reflects your concerns and tell your story!