Fair Maps mean Fair Funding for Public Schools

April 29, 2021 is a national day of action and we join Wisconsin Public Education Network partners statewide to demand an end to gerrymandering and the drawing of nonpartisan, transparent, people-powered legislative maps.

We’re asking you to take action because fair maps matter deeply to our students and their public schools. 

Without fair maps, we cannot hold our elected officials accountable.
Without fair maps, partisan politics dictate policy — not the will and needs of the people.
Without fair maps, our elected officials are free to play political games with school policy and budgets.
Without fair maps, we can’t close the gaps facing our students and their public schools!

It’s time to say enough.

Here are three quick, easy actions YOU can take today to make a difference:

  1. Send a letter to lawmakers demanding fair maps. Click here to send your message with this awesome template from our friends at the League of Women Voters.
  2. Let your friends and neighbors know that fair maps matter to our students and their public schools. Share this blog post and click here to share the graphic above on facebook. You can even make it your temporary profile pic! If you’re on social media, use #PeoplePoweredAction2021
  3. Support the Fair Maps Coalition and the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, two of our partner organizations who share our vision of a Wisconsin where every student thrives, and work year-round to ensure fair elections, fair maps and open and transparent government.

Thank you for standing up for students by standing up for fair, nonpartisan redistricting!


About the author: Wisconsin Public Education Network

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