“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen, Anthem
2020 was a challenging and intensely exhausting year for all of us, but also one where we accomplished so much. We could not be more proud of the grassroots teams, school districts, educators, board members, parents, and above all – students – who not only adapted to everything the year threw at us, but managed to inspire and achieve and come together in spite of it.
We worked hard – often in isolation – to make sure the needs of our students were known and met, and we know that we have even harder work in front of us in 2021 as we enter a tough round of budget negotiations and a year where the only thing we can predict is more uncertainty, and more surprises.
We take time at the end of this year to rest, reflect and appreciate each other, and to think seriously about what we can do to make a difference for our children.
We are resolved to do all we can to support you in 2021, and as we wish each of you a joyful & productive new year, we invite you to join us however you can in helping us meet our shared goals.
This is our 2021 Resolution:
We resolve to do all we can to support local level action that will have statewide impact in ensuring that every child in every public school has the resources and supports they need to thrive.
We resolve to hold elected officials accountable for delivering the change our children deserve, and the change the people they represent want, need and demand.
We resolve to find the chink in the armor that protects elected officials from being held accountable for their votes when they do not meet those needs.
We resolve to expose and reject the partisanship that prevents good people from doing good things and allows bad ideas and damaging agendas to earn the full force of our investments, energies and time.
We resolve to find the common ground that reflects our shared commitment to our children, our communities and each other – and to hold each other accountable for preserving it.
We resolve to fight for a state budget that doesn’t just protect the status quo but invests in closing the gaps we have created and allowed to continue & expand through our arrogance, our ignorance, our apathy and our racism.
We will accomplish this by finding others who share this goal and creating ways to come together to support and amplify each other’s efforts. We will accomplish this by respecting and fiercely defending the personal/professional limits that remind us that we are humans and we need time to be well. We will accomplish this by being braver than we are by standing on the shoulders of those who were brave before us.
We resolve to find the cracks. We resolve to shine the light.
Thank you for joining us in working to achieve these goals, supporting us to make our work possible, and for holding us accountable for making a difference for Wisconsin’s children.
There will be opportunities to join in making these resolutions realities all year long. Save the date for our first Budget Action Workshop on January 23 and join us this Thursday, Jan. 7 for our forum with the candidates for state superintendent.
Let’s not just “be heard” this year. Let’s move the dial. Our kids can’t wait another year for us to come together. Our kids can’t wait another three years for the change they need to see now.
– Your friends at Wisconsin Public Education Network