The Joint Finance Committee will vote on the Education Budget on Thursday, May 27, and has presented an alternative proposal that signals an intent to reject both the Governor’s budget and the testimony submitted at hearings around the state. The budget they put forward will be brought before the entire legislature for a vote in the coming months: this is the single most critical moment in the budget process, and it is a moment that has been fraught with shenanigans, politics and power plays in past budget cycles.
We are hearing that the proposed adjustments would radically expand public funding for private schools while providing a $0 increase to revenue limits, $0 increase to per pupil funding, and a measly 30% reimbursement for special education for public schools, while targeting other aids to certain categories. Join us tomorrow for a full breakdown.
Click here to register to JOIN US for a VIRTUAL SPEED RALLY to learn more about what’s at stake and what you can do about it. This rally will be short and sweet: 30 minutes of your time to get the facts from our policy experts and learn how you can take action.
We must demand our lawmakers meet their obligation to adequately and fairly fund our public schools. The time to take action is NOW.
Please share this invitation widely.
- Link to this blogpost: https://www.wisconsinnetwork.org/?p=3737
- Facebook graphic: https://www.facebook.com/WisconsinNetwork/photos/gm.745926699433892/2928885380687044
- Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/kU6wdJu9f
- Direct link to the Virtual Rally for Wisconsin’s Public Schools registration: https://secure.everyaction.com/zxk-6TU490CE4H03CQTA5Q2
- Copy/pastable list of Joint Finance members’ email addresses (be sure to cc your own representatives!): Sen.Marklein@legis.wi.gov, Rep.Born@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Stroebel@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Kooyenga@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Felzkowski@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Bernier@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Ballweg@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Erpenbach@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Johnson@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Loudenbeck@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Katsma@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Zimmerman@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Rodriguez@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Kurtz@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Goyke@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Neubauer@legis.wisconsin.gov
Despite large crowds of families, school districts, and education advocates at state budget hearings testifying about the need for special education funding this spring, the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee is only considering a small, if any increase at all in special education funding.
Currently the state is paying 29-30% of the costs to educate students with disabilities. Families say the pandemic has resulted in significant learning loss: 3 in 4 families are seeing skill regression; 2 in 3 are experiencing behavior challenges.
The state must do more. Make calls to the Joint Finance Budget committee TODAY and TOMORROW before their final votes Thursday morning to tell them they need to fund at least half of special education costs – or 50%.
Dial this number now and follow the easy steps to connect with each of the 16 Joint Finance members one after another. Calls just take 30 seconds or a 1 minute each. 608-315-5351
Here is a call-in action alert on this issue: https://actnow.io/uX4l4HI with more details and an email option.
LOCAL LEVEL ACTION. STATEWIDE IMPACT. Wisconsin Public Education Network is a project of the Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools, a nonprofit, nonpartisan public education advocacy organization. To support our work, donate here!