Wisconsin Celebrated I Love Our Public Schools Week Feb. 11-15

Wisconsin Celebrates I Love Our Public Schools Week Feb. 11-15

Wisconsin communities, from Milwaukee to Superior, spent the week celebrating the accomplishments of local students, teachers and staff in the 3rd annual I Love Our Public Schools week February 11-15, 2019, organized by the Wisconsin Public Education Network, a nonpartisan coalition of public school supporters.

Around the state, parents and supporters of thriving public schools “spread the love” for local students and schools. From Valentine-writing parties to cookie deliveries to social media blasts and personal emails, individuals and districts will send a message of support for their public schools.

“We do this because we love our kids and their public schools,” said Wisconsin Public Education Network’s executive director and Sun Prairie Area School District parent Heather DuBois Bourenane. “We’re all so busy, but we know it’s important to take time to lift up all the amazing things that are going on in and outside of our classrooms in every public school in the state. And what better time to do than during the week of Valentine’s Day? Let’s spread some of that love around and let our kids and our amazing teachers and staff know how proud we are of their hard work.”

I Love Our Public Schools Week is about celebrating the little things,” DuBois Bourenane said. “We make it easy to participate by providing a toolkit with templates and suggestions for local actions, and we encourage everyone to take just a few minutes this week to share their stories. Tell us about a student who overcame an obstacle to meet a goal, a teacher who made a difference in a small but moving way, a staff member who took time to make someone’s day brighter, a principal who always makes someone laugh, a parent who starts an afterschool program, a cafeteria aide who is so special to your child. We don’t tell these stories enough, but the halls of our schools and the smiles of our kids and teachers are brighter when we do.”

Highlights of the week of action included an official Proclamation recognizing I Love Our Public Schools Week issued by Governor Tony Evers, and a kick-off meeting of the Wisconsin Public Education Network featuring Wisconsin’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, Carolyn Stanford Taylor from 1-3 pm on Monday, Feb. 11 at the Middleton Public Library. Following a week of local actions, supporters gathered for a “Special Delivery” event at the State Capitol, to “spread the love” to the statehouse and let lawmakers know how much they love local schools. Supporters of public met  at the State Street steps at 11:00 on Friday, Feb. 15, met for a press conference in the Capitol and then deliver Valentines to Governor Evers in his office and their own lawmakers. Cards signed by local students, parents, board members, school staff, and community members will send a nonpartisan show of support for the local schools at the heart of Wisconsin communities.

Click here to see the Facebook album of all the celebrations.

Next steps for the Network and public education advocates is organizing around the State Budget. Register here to attend a budget action workshop or visit our Budget Headquarters for other ways to get involved.

Feb. 20, 2019.



About the author: Wisconsin Public Education Network

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